Dan Calloway's classes are back this Fall! Reserve your spot in one of his beginner, intermediate, or advanced ballroom dance lessons by the registration deadline September 23rd! Find more information in the links below.
World-sought-after professional ballroom dancer, coach, and judge, Dan Calloway offers classes through Studio A (formerly the ALC) in the Stamp. While not required for our club members, we sponsor his classes and highly recommend taking them in addition to our classes, especially if you're thinking of competing. Dan has taught most of our teachers and veteran club members, and his instruction is invaluable. Dan also judges a lot of the competitions we attend and is the chair of our own fall competition, DCDI.
Here's Dan on why everyone should take his classes:
Here's Dan on why everyone should take his classes:
"All dancers have two regrets: They wish they had started earlier and they wish they had had a better teacher from the beginning. The BAM teacher program is the best it’s ever been, but I have experience (41 years, full-time professional), knowledge (the youngest dual fellow in the world in 1985) and results (US and Blackpool champions taught) that these teachers can’t match. And the class is inexpensive, especially for what they will achieve."
Registration links
Session 1 (Sep. 16 - Dec. 9):
Beginner Ballroom Dancing
Intermediate Ballroom Dancing
Advanced Ballroom Dancing
Session 2 (Spring TBA):
Beginner Ballroom Dancing
Intermediate Ballroom Dancing
Advanced Ballroom Dancing
Beginner Ballroom Dancing
Intermediate Ballroom Dancing
Advanced Ballroom Dancing
Session 2 (Spring TBA):
Beginner Ballroom Dancing
Intermediate Ballroom Dancing
Advanced Ballroom Dancing
Prices are per session: $156/students*, $234/affiliates, $280/general public
*If active BAM members would like to take Dan's classes but have trouble covering the cost (we all know college life ain't cheap), they are encouraged to email the officers for assistance.
*If active BAM members would like to take Dan's classes but have trouble covering the cost (we all know college life ain't cheap), they are encouraged to email the officers for assistance.